The options for site of incision are underneath your breasts (inframammary), around the nipple (periareolar), in the armpit (transaxillary) or through the belly button (TUBA or trans-umbilical breast augmentation). All these approaches have advantages and disadvantages.
Underneath the breast (inframammary)
The inframammary incision under the breast is placed within or near the crease beneath the breast, the scar is usually hidden under the breast. This incision can sometimes become lumpy and could become very visible.
The inframammary incision under the breast is placed within or near the crease beneath the breast, the scar is usually hidden under the breast. This incision can sometimes become lumpy and could become very visible.
Trans-umbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA)
When the incision is placed through the belly button (TUBA), the incision is hidden inside the belly button. The technique requires an experienced surgeon in order to avoid breast implant rupture during placement, undercorrection of certain breast asymmetries, incomplete control of shape, and bleeding. When properly performed, it is an excellent scarless alternative to the other type of incisions.
The transaxillary approach is extremely popular with many patients because the incisions can be made smaller and they are almost invisible (they are hidden in the skin crease in the top of the armpit.)
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